viernes, 26 de marzo de 2010

Camino de Santiago 5ª etapa - 5ª stage

El miércoles, 25 de marzo, realizamos la 5ª etapa del Camino de Santiago, entre Palas de Rei y la Castañeda.

On Wednesday, March 25, we realised the 5th stage of the “Camino de Santiago”, from Palas de Rei to Castañeda.

Nuestra etapa comenzó con una recepción oficial por parte del Concello de Palas de Rei, donde fuimos entrevistados por el Gabinete de Prensa del Ayuntamiento, a quienes detallamos los objetivos de nuestro proyecto Grundtvig y, posteriormente, se nos ofrecieron obsequios relacionados con el Camino de Santiago en Galicia.

This stage began with an official reception in the Town Council of Palas de Rei, where we were interviewed by the Press Office of the Council. Here we detailed the objectives of our Grundtvig project and then we were offered some gifts related to the Camino de Santiago in Galicia.

La etapa comenzó con malos presagios en el cielo. Efectivamente, la lluvia nos acompañó durante la primera hora de Camino, pero poco a poco las nubes se fueron despejando y pudimos disfrutar de una jornada apacible.

We set off the journey looking at the bad omens in the sky. Indeed, rain accompanied us during the first hour of the way, but little by little the clouds started to clear and we could enjoy quite a lovely day.

Compartimos nuestro camino con peregrinos de muy diversas nacionalidades: españoles, alemanes, ingleses… y hasta dos peregrinas de las Islas Feroe.

We shared our journey with pilgrims from different nationalities: Spanish, German, English, and even two girls who came from Faroe Islands.

Mediada la etapa, se desplazaron 2 periodistas del Diario “el progreso” para realizar una entrevista “in situ” y así pudimos explicar el desarrollo de nuestro particular Camino y de nuestro proyecto Grundtvig “Sin barreras”

Halfway two journalists of the newspaper "El Progreso" met us for an interview "in situ" and we could explain the development of our particular “Camino” and our Grundtvig project "Without Barriers"

Los diarios locales y regionales publicaron artículos sobre nuestra actividad al día siguiente.

The local and regional newspaper published some articles about our activity the next day.

Finalizada la etapa, nos desplazamos al Castillo de Pambre, donde pudimos disfrutar de su impresionante belleza y tuvimos el privilegio de acceder a su interior y recorrerlo.

Once the stage was finished, we went to The Pambre Castle, where we could admire its breathtaking beauty and we had the privilege of getting into it and having a look.

Como en otras etapas, tenemos que destacar la buena convivencia del grupo y su implicación a la hora de seguir recogiendo en sus diarios las anécdotas y vivencias de la etapa para reflejarlas en el Diario final de nuestro Camino “Sin Barreras”.

As in other stages, we must emphasize the conviviality of the group and their involvement in collecting the stories and experiences of the journey in their diaries so that we can show them in the final report of our Camino "Without Barriers."

2 comentarios:

Cherif dijo...

You guys are wering havy jakets, but it's doen't look cold.
Otherwise it's a good program, and the participants are happy to be part of it. I must be very important for them.

BenteG dijo...

I WOULD LOVE TO GO WITH YOU!!! It must be very interesting for your participants and for you too. This walk is famous all over the world, but not all find the time to really do it.
I think it is so nice to show the community these activities you do with people who need to front the society soon.