jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

Meeting program of May 28th and 29th

Thursday 28 th

- 9.00 - 10.00 am : Welcom in Niepce College

- 10.00 am : Presentation by Mr Collin, director of " La régie des Quartiers des Prés Saint Jean", of the actions being jointly with GRETA:

Electrical clearance

Buildings sanitation and maintenance

Action group : recover self-confident though composition and interviews

Flats renewal

- Around 12.00 : Lunch (Niepce College)

- 2.00 pm : Visit to "Prés saint Jean" neighborhood and to the " United Garden"

- End of the day: Visit to Chalon sur Saône, and, lately, Burgundy wine degustation

- Dinner

Friday 29 th

- 8.30 am: Meeting to Niepce College

- 9.00 am: Visite of penitentiary center of Varennes Le Grand

-12.00 : Lunch

-2.00 pm : Final meeting

martes, 28 de abril de 2009

Visita de los socios de Turquía - Visit of the partners from Turkey

Los pasados días 20 y 21 de abril tuvo lugar en Monterroso la visita de los socios de Turquía del proyecto Grundtvig "Sin Barreras", representando a su institución: El Centro de Educación de Adultos en Termal (Yalova).

La reunión comenzó el lunes con una visita al Centro Penitenciario dirigida por el director del Centro, D. Víctor Fraga Gayoso, y en la que nuestros socios accedieron a las diferentes instalaciones: enfermería, talleres, cocina, polideportivo, etc. y hasta decidieron probar la comida elaborada para los internos del Centro.

Posteriormente, continuó la jornada con la visita al Centro de Adultos de Monterroso, donde pudieron comprobar en directo la labor educativa de los maestros del Centro con los alumnos del mismo, así como conocer las instalaciones de la Escuela del Centro Penitenciario.

Finalizada la visita, nos dirigimos a la localidad de Monterroso, donde se les ofreció un almuerzo para que pudiesen degustar el producto típico de la zona: el pulpo á feira.

Tras la comida, nos desplazamos a la capital de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, paseando por las bellas calles de la ciudad y disfrutando de una visita a su magnífica catedral.

La jornada del martes comenzó con la reunión entre los socios del proyecto, donde desde el Centro de Adultos se presentó el desarrollo de trabajo del proyecto "sin barreras" así como se debatió sobre las actividades a desarrollar en los próximos meses.

A continuación, se produjo la reunión con el grupo de trabajo del proyecto "sin barreras" del Centro de Adultos. La reunión fue muy positiva tanto para los socios como para los alumnos, ya que el intercambio de experiencias fue muy enriquecedor.

La jornada continuó con un almuerzo en la villa cercana de Guntín, para a continuación dirigirnos a la ciudad de Lugo, donde nuestros socios pudieron pasear sobre la milenaria muralla, patrimonio de la humanidad, construida por los romanos y que rodea la ciudad de Lugo.

Queremos, finalmente, agradecer a nuestros socios de Turquía por su visita, su interés y su participación, así como a todos los que colaboraron en estas dos intensas jornadas del proyecto Grundtvig "sin barreras".

On 20th and 21th of April was held in Monterroso the visit of the partners from Turkey of the Grundtvig project "Without Barriers", representing his institution: The Centre for Adult Education in Termal (Yalova).

The meeting began on Monday with a visit to the prison guided by the Centre's director, Mr. Victor Fraga Gayoso, in which our partners could access to the different facilities: hospital, workshops, cooking, sports, etc.. and decided to try the food prepared for the inmates of the Centre.

Subsequently, the day continued with a visit to the Adult Centre of Monterroso, where they were able to observe directly the educational efforts of the Center's teachers with the students of the school's Prison.

After the visit, we went to the village of Monterroso, where we offered a lunch in which they could taste the typical product of the area: "the octopus á feira".

After lunch, we move to the capital of Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, walking through the beautiful streets of the city and enjoying a visit to its magnificent cathedral.

The next day began with the meeting between the project partners, and the members of the Adult Centre, presenting the project "without barriers" and discussing about the activities to develop in the coming months.

Then came the meeting with the working group of "without barriers" from the Adult Centre. The meeting was very positive for both partners and students, and the exchange of experiences was very enriching.

The day continued with a lunch in the nearby village of Guntín, and after it we went to the city of Lugo, where our partners were able to walk over the ancient wall, a World Heritage Site, built by the Romans and surrounding the city of Lugo.

We would finally like to thank our partners from Turkey by their visit, their interest and participation, as well as all the people who worked during the two intense days in the Grundtvig project "without barriers".

lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

Reunión en Monterroso - Meeting in Monterroso

El día 17 de abril tuvimos en Monterroso la reunión con el grupo de alumnos participantes en el proyecto Grundtvig "sin barreras".

En la reunión, la subdirectora del Centro Penitenciario, jurista de formación, Dª Elvira Fernández Domínguez dedicó la reunión para exponer y dialogar con los alumnos sobre la ley de extranjería, en relación con la situación jurídica de los alumnos en el Centro Penitenciario y en nuestro país.

El debate que se organizó tras la conferencia resultó de gran interés para los integrantes del proyecto ya que pudieron conocer detalles importantes sobre la situación legal de los inmigrantes en España

Debemos agradecer emotivamente a Elvira su colaboración desinteresada en el proyecto Europeo Sin barreras.

On April 17th we had in Monterroso a meeting with the group of students who participate in the Grundtvig project "without barriers".

In the meeting, the deputy director of the Prison and lawyer training, Ms Elvira Fernández Domínguez exposed and talked with the students about the immigration laws, regarding the legal status of students in prison and in our country.

The debate organized after the conference had a great interest for the members of the project because they could learn important details about the legal status of immigrants in Spain

We must thank to Elvira her disinterested collaboration in the European project without barriers.

lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

Eurovision Song Contest; Norway

The winner from Norway for the Eurovision Song Contest will give you a hint about Norwegian culture (music and dance).
Click here to see for yourself. Enjoy!

"This is Norway"

Before the Eastern break, some of our participants performed clips from different themes about Norway. Amongst the audience was (from the left) the advicor in school matters for Kongsberg, our town, the head of our commune, a politician and the school's principal.

Our pupils had prepared a computer show based on new programs they had learned. The program allowed them to practice their Norwegian in many ways: They had to find adequate information on the interent, through interviews, books etc. This information were put together as a slide show before they put text and speech on everything. To top the show, they also chosed music to go with the themes.

This was a new experience for all of us. The participants worked hard weeks before, especially they had to focus a lot on the pronounciation for the programme. This meant that they had to tape again and again until everything worked out perfect.

The aucience was impressed, and we all enjoyed very much the sample of typical Norwegian food to be tasted in full! We also learned many new things about Norway's culture and tradition, and are all looking forward to another similar event in the future.