lunes, 17 de agosto de 2009

Les lions libérés

Depuis 4 mois de préparation le musical de St. Petri Kinder und Jugendhilfe (partenaire de « Sans Barriers») s’est réalisé dans le «village de la diaconia«, un part de la Convention des Eglises Protestantes allemandes en Mai 2009. Une répétition se prépare à présent. Enfants et juvenils precédants de l’est de Bremen (école maternelle, maintenance après-scolaire, maisons des jeunes et institutions de l’aide à l’éducation) ont travaillé unis pour la réalisation : Ils sont valiants et confident de leur-même et leur message est « Nous sommes multicolorés, multi-lingual et nous voulons vivre ensemble.». Le musique et le theâtre sonst des insturments pour la realisation de ce but.

"The Lions are set free!" - Musical Project of St Petri Bremen

The Dance and song performance at the German Protestant Church Convention by a multicultural initiative arranged by St. Petri Kinder und Jugendhilfe Bremen (German partner in the “Without Barriers” Initiative) is going to be repeated in autumn.
4 Months of preparation were necessary to realize this project by St. Petri Kinder und Jugendhilfe Bremen end of May 2009, to be repeated now. The participants’ message is: “Living at Bremen “eastside” and coming, from Kindergarten and after-school-care, the houses of youth, Day-Care and 5-day care-institutions, we young people and children all worked together to realize this performance and stage it within the Diaconical village at the German Protestant Church Convention . The motto of the convention being “Mortal, where are you?” we shouted from the stage “Look, here we are! We are colourful and multi-lingual and we all are here and wish to live together.”
With music, dance, recitation, pictures, songs and masks we saw children and young people full of creativity, self-confidence and with a message. Sharing Experience and acting together they use theatre and music as inter-cultural links.
A grateful donation by Lions Club “Gräfin Emma” made this project possible. The Performance will be repeated in the “Schlachthof” Cultural Centre in Bremen.