miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010

Reunión en Monterroso 2 - Meeting in Monterroso 2

El pasado viernes, 29 de enero, realizamos la segunda parte de la actividad con el grupo de trabajo “Sin barreras” de Monterroso.
En esta sesión se acabaron de presentar las gráficas explicando los fenómenos migratorios de la actualidad, sus distintas implicaciones (políticas, económicas, etc), desde los puntos de vista de los países receptores y de los países de origen. Se realizó un análisis comparativo con los movimientos históricos analizados en la sesión anterior y, basándose en datos de organismos internacionales como el Fondo Monetario Internacional, el Banco Mundial o la ONU, se aportó un enfoque diferente que cambió la idea preconcebida que tenían muchos de los alumnos sobre la inmigración. Como ejemplo, una de las ideas más extendidas es que la inmigración mantiene siempre una dirección Sur-Norte; cuando hemos comprobado que hay otros flujos migratorios como el de Oriente Medio o de los propios países desarrollados a otros en similar situación (emigración hacia Canadá, Australia o EE.UU). También se analizaron las distintas políticas puestas en marcha por los países desarrollados, para abordar la problemática de la inmigración (Unión Europea, EE.UU, etc.), estudiando conceptos como el de la “inmigración selectiva”, defendido por países desarrollados y criticado por los países menos desarrollados.
El debate que se estableció resultó muy didáctico, no sólo para los alumnos, sino también para nosotros, que como docentes pudimos comprobar las diferentes visiones que se tienen del fenómeno migratorio, dependiendo de las culturas, ideologías o religiones de los integrantes del grupo.

On Friday, January 29th, we developed the second part of the activity with the working group "Without barriers" from Monterroso.
During this session we kept on showing the graphic lines which explain the migratory phenomena today, and its various implications (i.e.political, economic, etc), from the point of view of the recipient countries and of the guest countries. A comparative analysis was realised using the historical movements which had been discussed in the previous session and based on data from international bodies like the IMF, the World Bank or the UN. A different approach came out that changed the preconceived idea that many of the students had about immigration. For example, one of the most widespread ideas is that immigration always keeps a south-north direction; however we found out that there are other migration flows such as that of the Middle East or even the flow of some developed countries to others in a similar situation (emigration to Canada, Australia or USA). We also analyzed the various policies implemented by the developed countries to deal with the problem of immigration (European Union, USA, etc..), studying concepts like the "selective immigration", supported by the developed countries and criticized by the least developed countries.
The discussion proved to be very educational, not only for the students but also for us, who, as teachers, could see the different views about the migratory phenomenon, depending on the cultures, ideologies and religions of the members of the group.

2 comentarios:

Cherif dijo...

Very interesting.
I beleive people has allways migrate and will allways continue to migrate. So was it since Adam and Eva. It's then simple to explaine or try to understand reasons for migration. But another reality og human history is that people allways adapt to they new environment. That's why there is no excuse for people who don't want to integrate to the new socity the migrate in. I'm not tying to say that it's easy. But it's important to wish and want to intagrate. That makes our job easier.

BenteG dijo...

Interesing blog, and interesting response from Cherif. During my interview with him, he stressed that only you can create your own future. If you chose to integrate, you will have more possibilities in the new society than if you prefere not to change your lifestyle.

I believe that it is useful to take a discussion on what integration means, and to what extent people want to be integrated. Maybe also look at the advantages / disadvantages when it comes to integration. I will try to make a blog on this theme shortly.