sábado, 2 de enero de 2010

new year

I wish a happy 2010 to all members and persons interested in our project "without barriers". Thanks for your collaboration

4 comentarios:

ayse ayse dijo...

Thanks Pedro. We spent the whole year. There were many good days and bad days. For this year I wish days without wars race discriminations.

BenteG dijo...

Happy New Year to all of our participants and readers from Norway too!!! We have really cold and white days right now. It's very beautiful, but you have to dress for -15 degrees Celcius, and that's hard!
We now look much forward to our visit in Turkey in the spring, and 3 of us have decided to stay for 8 days to explore this fantastic country. Looking forward to seeing you, Ayse. Maybe you can give us tips about what we must see and visit on our own?

ayse ayse dijo...

Dear Bente,
Say your exact departure dates I am arranging a plan for Pedro and his group. If you want to participate we can widen it and we can plan everything in İstanbul.
I am searching tours, agencies, I am talking to hotels and rent a car services :))))
You will travel in İstanbul historical places such as Hagia Sofia, Blue Mosque and etc...
I am trying to arrange a hotel for you as well

Cherif dijo...

Thank u Pedro. My best wishes for u and youy family and friends. Hope 2010 brings a lot of coments, contribution and activity in our blogg and for the project i general