lunes, 22 de junio de 2009

Reunión con el grupo de trabajo - Meeting with the work group of Monterroso

El pasado jueves 18 de junio, se organizó una sesión más con el grupo de trabajo de Monterroso del proyecto Grundtvig "Sin barreras".
Quisimos dedicar esta reunión a los juegos de las diferentes culturas.
Para introducir la reunión, comenzamos con una exhibición de juegos de naipes realizada por "Chus", funcionario de nuestro Centro y colaborador del proyecto, quien sorprendió a todos los asistentes con sus sorprendentes y ágiles manos en los juegos de la baraja francesa.

A partir de ahí, los miembros del grupo comentaron algunos de los juegos típicos de sus países, e incluso los escenificaron, como se puede ver en la foto adjunta con el "juego del toro" de China.

Como siempre en nuestras actividades, se realizó un debate sobre la importancia de los juegos en las culturas de los diferentes países.

On Thursday June 18, we had a meeting with the work group of the Grundtvig project of Monterroso "Without barriers".
We wanted to dedicate this meeting to the games of the different cultures.
To begin the meeting, we started with an exhibition of card's games realized by "Chus," an official of our Centre and collaborator of our project, who surprised everybody with his amazing and agile hands in the games of french cards.

From there, the members of the group commented about some of the typical games from their countries, and even tried some of them, as you can see in the photo of the "game of the bull" in China.

As always in our activities, we had a discussion about the importance of the games in the cultures of the different countries.

1 comentario:

BenteG dijo...

This is interesting. Games and toys can be international or very local. If they are international, people can meet and play no matter barriers like culture, language etc.
I once took a group of participants (ca 12 persons) from our school and brought them to a primary school. Our task was to teach Norwegian children how to play games from other parts of the world. The children loved it, and they were really helpful in teaching our participants Norwegian in return.