jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009

Without Barriers in the radio

En la mañana de hoy acudimos desde Monterroso a la emisora de radio Onda Cero, en su programa "entre murallas" dedicado hoy a la reinserción social. En el programa presentamos nuestro proyecto Grundtvig "sin barreras" y comentamos los aspectos esenciales de su desarrollo.Agradecemos a la cadena Onda Cero por permitirnos la oportunidad de dar a conocer nuestro proyecto a sus oyentes. Hemos solicitado una grabación del programa para que esté a vuestra disposición y para su posterior inclusión en la memoria del proyecto.

Today in the morning we went from Monterroso to the radio station Onda Cero, in its program "within walls" dedicated today to social reintegration. We presented our Grundtvig project "without barriers" and discussed the essential aspects of its development. We thank to Onda Cero for giving us the opportunity to present our project to his listeners. We have requested a recording of the program for your interest and for its inclusion in the project report.

3 comentarios:

BenteG dijo...

This is great! Is it possible to hear this program on a link?

Pedro Cantero dijo...

Thank you. Its only a beginning as we did in our other project. We used the program to speak a bit about the project when it could be possible :) and we will try to get that one day they can go to Monterroso to see it directly doing a program in our Centre. It be difficult,.,, but not impossible. Time will say.
About the link, we have a Cd with the recording of the program. We will try to remember to have some copies for our next meeting in Germany if any partner wants it. Not sure about how we can publish a link in the blog with the copy, but if anybody knows how to do it, please, send a comment with it,
Thank you

BenteG dijo...

About the link: You may ask if the radio channel has a possibility of sharing it on Youtube?