viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

Immigrants dancing with elderly people

My Startgroup, that is immigrants who cannot speak any Norwegian, has joined a group of elderly people 3 Tuesdays. Here they learn eachother dances from different countries, and after an hour on the dancefloor, they talk over a cup of cofee and some cakes.

Both parts take great interest in these moments, and both our immigrants and the elderly learn much about each other, culture in different countries and most important: they get a better understanding of how to integrate in a new country.

Please try this link to our local newspaper to have a look at some pictures and how they dance:

2 comentarios:

Pedro Cantero dijo...

What a beautiful idea and activity. I am sure they will enjoy... Both: inmigrants and elderly people.
Dont forget to keep copies for the report :) (I know that I am always saying the same...)

BenteG dijo...

He he, I will. We have done allot of different activities during the 2 years of the project, all aiming for a positive integration.
Hopefully I will manage to publish one more blog about a questionnaire (like yours earlier) that we made about our social studies course and the theme integration.