sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010


I have lots of immigrant students at school. Different cultures are at a school. My students are from Bosnia Herzegovina, Laz, Macedonia, Bulgaria or Greece. They can speak Turkish because their family immigrated from these countries but most of them were born in Turkiye. Their accent is different than mine. Sometimes we have a little communication problems.
At first it was difficult forme to do something or an activity at a class. Each student was humiliating another culture. They told me about themselves. "Teacher do not listen to him, he is gypsy or teacher do not listen to him, he is laz" I warned them several times but it was no use.
Yes we had a "WITHOUT BARRIERS" Project and as I am their teacher I have to "ERASE THESE BARRIERS FROM THEIR MINDS" They are our future and I have to do something else for them. At last I offer them a class party. I told them let's arrange a party after school. One of them offers that "teacher tomorrow is my birthday and can we do this part tomorrow?" I accepted.

We started aour party. During eating our birthday cakes; I asked them
Do you accept Adam is your grand grand grand father?
They all say yes of course.
I asked who accepts him who does not?
They all said all of us of course.
I asked " but you are from different cultures you are humiliating each other, is it possible you came from the same man?
Now tell me What was Adam's nationality?
Everone was staring at me. I asked was he Turkish?
they said no He had no nationality.
I asked why do you argued about?
He has no nationality, you did not choose your mother or father so your descendance cannot set barriers on your mind.
I think the impact was positive because since then I have not heard any humiliating. Now they have no barriers....

2 comentarios:

Pedro Cantero dijo...

You are doing a great job with them, Ayse. Go on in this way. You will tell more of it in Norway :)

Grete Aakerstrom dijo...

Nice story, Ayse! Sometimes you have to do smart things to face a problem, and it is important to take the evil by its root and really talk about it. Good luck with the boys further on!