Por la mañana, recorrimos las instalaciones del Club, acompañados por representantes del club: sala de trofeos, gimnasio, etc.

Posteriormente, fuimos invitados a comer y durante la comida nos entregaron diferentes regalos entre los que destacaba una camiseta del primer equipo.

Ya por la tarde, asistimos al partido del Azkar Lugo donde pudimos disfrutar de un encuentro emocionante y animar como uno más vestidos con las camisetas del Club.
Queremos agradecer esta invitación y el poder compartir un día con el Azkar Lugo.

La actividad fue recogida por la prensa local y por la propia prensa del club. Estos son los enlaces:
On Saturday, April 10th, 8 students of the Grundtvig project "Without Barriers" travelled to Lugo with the team members of Monterroso for a day with the football team "Azkar Lugo", team of the National league of football indoor.

During the morning, we visited the facilities of the Club, accompanied by representatives of the club: trophy room, gymnasium...
After the visit to the facilities, we were invited to lunch and we received different gifts among which was a first team shirt.

In the afternoon, we attended the Azkar Lugo match where we could enjoy exciting moments wearing the club shirts.

We want to thank them for their invitation and sharing a day with us.
The activity was reflected for the regional media and for the Club’s Web. These are the links:
2 comentarios:
Positive experiences like this one are very important for people (in difficult situation)s self confidense and optimism. It surelig helps them to be more optimist about their futur integration in the "normal" socity.
Actions like this one is also important to make the socity aware that some people need (and appraciate) their attention.
Nice for the guys on the project! It looks like the newspaper helps your team (the participants9 to feel welcome in the society, and that is important. It's about beeing seen and accepted, allowed to join daily activities. Next time maybe you'll be bloging about a coocing course (he he)?
Tell the boys from the project that even Norway has read about them and the football in the newspaper online!
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