lunes, 5 de abril de 2010

Feelings about my arrival and stay at Kongsberg reception center.

Thoughts from Ibn S. A. (26.01.2010), asylumnseeker living in Kongsberg

Long time after my arrival to the reception center, I did not know anything about what is going to happen to me. I slept with my eyes wide open because I did not know the other persons I shared house with. Were they good or bad people? I did not know, even though we come from the same country. All humans are different, and I was afraid of everyone.

Months passed by until we finally got to know each other. Who were these persons now living with me, I wondered. Now I know better. I know who they are by names, I know what part of Somalia they come from, I know a little about their history. But that’s all. I sleep better at night now, but my days always start with the same question: ”What will happen to me today?” My brain is totally out of focus, I have to do something about my case! I do not know anything about my future and what will become of me in the end.

I called some friends of mine some days ago, and asked them about the system here in Norway. They gave me some positive but also some negative answers. Since I’m in a reception center here in Norway, I might just as well get a negative answer from the Government, and that means that I have to og back home. Home to what, I wonder…

I have to keep hope up, hope for a positive answer. Insha Allah! What else is there for me, other than hoping for a positive outcome of my case, so I can stay in Norway, create a new future.

One of m friends live here in Kongsberg now with his family. When he lived in another reception center he had to open a hatch in the wall if he needed to talk to the employees. The rest you know, Henri……. The reception center here in Kongsberg has a much better system. We live free, in normal houses. We can go out, visit friends, talk with people, have a walk in the town. We can come to you to talk in your office. We are all humans, not animals! That is something the Norwegian Government should think about.

I have lived here more than one year now. Your office (Hero) helps us allot. There are many o fus who do not think so, you know, but I really do! But maybe – if your office can be even better talking to us – like you are doing now, I believe that can help many more of us inmates. We need to be listened to, to express our feelings and maybe our despair. I know that can be difficult, I am only one, and you have many more persons and houses to tend to. But now I see that you really try to help us, and it gives me a good feeling.

(Later this winter):

My life has changed, I got a positive answer from the Government, I thank Allah for this! Finally my life can start again, it’s like being reborn! Now I wait to see which municipality will accept me. In the meantime I attend Norwegian course at Fredheim school. That helps me allot, I learn Norwegian so that I can communicate with people. There are many nice teachers there, and that make me learn faster. I’m more motivated now! I hope I can continue to stay here in Kongsberg. I long for my wife to come (she still is in Somalia). But first I have to become integrated in the Norwegian society and get an education. Life is ahead of me now, and finally I’m happy!


Henri Filmand Komegne

1 comentario:

Pedro Cantero dijo...

These are a very interesting reflections and very positive for our project too. But all these activities should not be in the archive. We must try to share and make known the true reality of immigration to a society that often does not want to know them...