Future now!

That means your future is beginning right now. It's the message to the youngsters , most of them are immigrants, at the youth centre. In cooperation with the employers of the youth centre we were giving them the chance making experiences with job interviews, to perfect their applikations and to meet employers of their surroundings.
It was an succesfully projrct, because some of these kids did not believe or were not interessted in their future until this project. Tey thought there is nobody believing in them, nor themselves. And after these two days some of them were upbeat and build an idea what kind of job they will do.

This is my collegue Zara, she's working at the Youth centre, with Izzetin and Ibo. These lucky two guys were passing their youthleader course and could lead their own youth groups now!
1 comentario:
Good job. I hope they will believe now in their future. And congratulations for giving them such opportunity
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