jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

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martes, 20 de abril de 2010
Jardin solidaire’s news paper
Two hours per week, employees of the “jardin solidaire” come to the GRETA for their communication lesson. During this time they speak about their experiences and problems in garden. These exchanges are very important for them.
Meanwhile, they write up articles for a small news paper to the association members. It calls the “Feuille de rose”.
In this news paper, they explain their work in the garden. For example in the last “Feuille de rose” they reported an interview of a professional gardener about pruning trees.
They speak about trainings which help them to fit into professional life and in every news papers they introduce new comers of the “Jardin solidaire”.
The Norwegian National day

Music is an important part of this parade too, and together with horns, saxophones, drums etc children in their best outfits shout "Hurray" and wave with Norwegian flags. People dressed in national and traditional outfits make a long row along the roads the parade passes. Everybody are happy and cheerful, and this happening makes a tremendous impression on everyone, especially tourists and immigrants in general.

Job fair in Kongsberg

Monday the 19th of April any person from Kongsberg were invited come to a job fair in town arranged by the local office which assist people to find work. Here they could meet employers directly, talk to them and leave their CV for registration.
Many of our participants worked hard to make their CVs look presentable. Some of them did not have very much information to give related to former work experience or school background. This stressed them a little, but we talked about how important personality was, and they decided to focus on this when meeting employers.
We have several immigrants at our school and in our community who really struggles to get their first permanent job. This might be because of the above mention points, but also because of the language barrier they meet. How can you speak fluent Norwegian before you get the chance to take fully part of a community, we ask.
Maybe some of our partners can help me out here? Do you in Germany, France, Turkey and Spain meet the same problems?
To see the article which was in the local paper before the job fair, press here. (Again, you might learn some usful phrases in Norwegian :-)
Norwegian language is the key to integration!
This was their first café-chat out of total 6 meetings which will take place this spring. Different themes are set up for each meeting, and this first reunion focused on health and freetime activities. Next to come up are themes about:
- the participants wishes for their future in Norway
- Norwegian history from poverty to one of the richest countries in the world
- our National day the 17th of May
- challenges participants meet due to language and culture

Our guests are all well known people from our local community. Some are politicians, others have leeding jobs in big companies, and some are pensioneers with knowledge and connections in the community. One of the main figures, Jan Hansvoll, has worked closely with me during many years now, and he is a person who is deeply engaged in questions about integration. He is also a member of several political groups governing the community, and he therefore find it nessecary to invite other people to see and hear for themselves what immingrants in Kongsberg really stand for, which problems they encounter and what resources they hold.
The conclution after the first café-renuion was very positive; all the participants agreed that this was very motivating and useful, and our Norwegian guests too are already looking forward to the next meeting - next Friday.
You can see the whole article in our local newspaper, Laagendalsposten, here.
lunes, 12 de abril de 2010
Sin Barreras y Azkar Lugo - Without barriers and Azkar Lugo
Por la mañana, recorrimos las instalaciones del Club, acompañados por representantes del club: sala de trofeos, gimnasio, etc.

Posteriormente, fuimos invitados a comer y durante la comida nos entregaron diferentes regalos entre los que destacaba una camiseta del primer equipo.

Ya por la tarde, asistimos al partido del Azkar Lugo donde pudimos disfrutar de un encuentro emocionante y animar como uno más vestidos con las camisetas del Club.
Queremos agradecer esta invitación y el poder compartir un día con el Azkar Lugo.

La actividad fue recogida por la prensa local y por la propia prensa del club. Estos son los enlaces:
On Saturday, April 10th, 8 students of the Grundtvig project "Without Barriers" travelled to Lugo with the team members of Monterroso for a day with the football team "Azkar Lugo", team of the National league of football indoor.

During the morning, we visited the facilities of the Club, accompanied by representatives of the club: trophy room, gymnasium...
After the visit to the facilities, we were invited to lunch and we received different gifts among which was a first team shirt.

In the afternoon, we attended the Azkar Lugo match where we could enjoy exciting moments wearing the club shirts.

We want to thank them for their invitation and sharing a day with us.
The activity was reflected for the regional media and for the Club’s Web. These are the links:
domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

My "Without barriers" - project is to motivate - and perhaps push a little - women who mainly go to school and then stay at home doing housework, to be physically active. Some of them are worried about their health and some have put on a lot of weight since they came to Norway.
As a start, I managed to make an appointment at a training centre where only women are allowed to come and do sport. We went there free for 4 days, and had a lot of fun, and I think 2 of the women will become members and start regular training. A small victory!
The next step is to motivate to join a walking group for one and a half hour every week. I will try to find some Norwegian women to join the group, too. "Walk and talk - group" will become a win - win situation. Most of the refugees do not speak much Norwegian ouside school, since they mostly stay at home with their family.
Though I am fond of my job, I have time to do other things as well. If you take a look at my blog, you will see what I spend a lot of time doing - and a lot of money, too.......
http://www.lappe-grete.blogspot.com/ There might even be a picture of me in my colourful jacket on the blog!
And just to show you on the picture above - the spring is about to come to Kongsberg! The snow will probably dissappear before you all come in June!
lunes, 5 de abril de 2010
Feelings about my arrival and stay at Kongsberg reception center.
Long time after my arrival to the reception center, I did not know anything about what is going to happen to me. I slept with my eyes wide open because I did not know the other persons I shared house with. Were they good or bad people? I did not know, even though we come from the same country. All humans are different, and I was afraid of everyone.
My life has changed, I got a positive answer from the Government, I thank Allah for this! Finally my life can start again, it’s like being reborn! Now I wait to see which municipality will accept me. In the meantime I attend Norwegian course at Fredheim school. That helps me allot, I learn Norwegian so that I can communicate with people. There are many nice teachers there, and that make me learn faster. I’m more motivated now! I hope I can continue to stay here in Kongsberg. I long for my wife to come (she still is in Somalia). But first I have to become integrated in the Norwegian society and get an education. Life is ahead of me now, and finally I’m happy!
Henri Filmand Komegne
domingo, 4 de abril de 2010
La radio con "Sin Barreras" - The radio with "Without Barriers"
Os dejamos un enlace al programa de Radio
On Thursday, March 1st, the Radio of Galicia dedicated a radio program to the activity of our Grundtvig project "Without Barriers" walking the "Camino".
You can find the program in the next link