En ella fuimos invitados a presentar nuestro proyecto Grundtvig “Sin barreras” ante representantes de todos los países europeos y dar conocer nuestro trabajo dirigido a la población inmigrante en el proyecto Grundtvig así como pudimos exponer las actividades realizadas hasta la fecha.

Nuestra intervención tuvo una extraordinaria acogida entre los asistentes a la Conferencia por lo que nos sentimos muy orgullosos de nuestra participación así como de haber podido compartir “sin barreras” en toda Europa.

Queremos agradecer la oportunidad que se nos ofreció y confiamos que sirva para dar un pequeño empujón más a nuestro proyecto así como agradecer también la ocasión de conocer un gran número de profesionales de España y de otros países que trabajan en una línea similar a la nuestra.
Incluimos el artículo de prensa que se publicó de nuestra participación así como un enlace al artículo on-line

During the days 22, 23 and 24 February we attended the conference on prison education held in Budapest and organized by the European Commission
Here we were invited to present our project Grundtvig "without barriers" to representatives of all European countries and to show our work aimed at the immigrant population in the Grundtvig project and so we can present the activities realized to date.

Our intervention was extremely well received among those attending the conference so we are very proud of our participation as well as being able to share "without barriers" across Europe.
We welcome the opportunity which they gave us and we wish that it will serve to bring closer our project. We thank for the opportunity to meet many professionals from Spain and other countries working on similar ways as ours.

We included the newspaper article which was published on our participation as well as a link to the article on-line
3 comentarios:
God job. Håpe you people hadd fun in Budapest (not only working). I wish there should be more aktivities and reactions on our blog. Wake up everybody, and write something.
Dear Pedro,
I am sure that the meeting in Budapest was very instructive. To discover the practices of nearby countries helps us to understand how to improve our work. It is also a means to share our knowledges and our skills
Dear Pedro,
I am sure that the meeting in Budapest was very instructive. To discover the practices of nearby countries helps us to understand how to improve our work. It is also a means to share our knowledges and our skills
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