Antes de comenzar el camino, nuestro grupo “sin barreras” fue recibido por la Alcaldesa de Portomarín, Dª Silvia Rodríguez, quien realizó una recepción oficial en el Ayuntamiento y nos obsequió con el desayuno característico de los peregrinos de la zona, denominado “parva” que consiste en pan con azúcar regado con aguardiente.

Tras la recepción, comenzamos la etapa. Por fin, pudimos disfrutar de una etapa bajo el sol, sin lluvia. Esto nos permitió deleitarnos realmente del camino y poder compartir con otros peregrinos nuestro caminar. Queremos recordar que realmente éste es uno de nuestros principales objetivos: compartir las experiencias no sólo entre los miembros del grupo, sino con otros caminantes que coincidan en la ruta con nosotros.

Aquí os dejamos algunas fotos con los momentos más significativos de esta 4ª etapa de la ruta Xacobea.

En los comentarios podéis encontrar una reseña sobre la etapa que nos gustaría pudieseis compartir con nosotros, todos los socios del proyecto que tengan la posibilidad.
A la recepción asistió el periodista de la Voz de Galicia destinado en la comarca, Penoucos, quien publicaría un artículo en el diario del día siguiente:
On Thursday, March 11th, we walked the 4th stage of the Camino de Santiago, which includes the 25 km. between the towns of Portomarín and Palas de Rei.

Before the road, our group "without barriers" was received by the Mayor of Portomarín, Mrs. Silvia Rodríguez, who gave us an official reception at the City Hall and offered us the characteristic breakfast of the pilgrims in the area, called "parva" consisting of bread with sugar washed down with “aguardiente” (strong liquor).

When the reception got finished, we started the stage. Finally, we enjoyed a day under the sun, without raining. This allowed us to really delight the road and share our journey with other pilgrims. We recall that this is really one of our main objectives: to share experiences not only among group members, but to share with other travelers on the road with us.

Here you can see some pictures with the most significant moments of the 4th stage of the route “Xacobea”.

This reception was also attended by the journalist of the daily “La Voz de Galicia”, Penoucos, who published an article in the newspaper the next day.
In the comments you can find an overview about the stage we would like to share with all project partners who have the possibility and can be interested in.
1 comentario:
We will do the final stage of the “Camino de Santiago” on 26th and 27th May. We will walk to the “Monte do Gozo”, where we will spend the night and the next day we will walk to Santiago, only about 5 km. It will allow us insight into the wonderful city of Santiago and ending the way as our efforts deserve.
It would be wonderful if you could join us at this time. We have booked the refuge for the night, and we hope to share this last stage and the arrival to Santiago with you.
If some partner can and is interested, contact by e-mail to Pedro.
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