El acto será en la Diputación de Lugo y a él asistirán diferentes autoridades nacionales , regionales y locales. También acudirán 2 de los internos que relizaron el Camino en el marco del proyecto Grundtvig “Sin Barreras”.
El libro ha sido publicado por la Mancomunidade de Concellos del Camino de Santiago en Galicia a quien queremos agradecer sus esfuerzos y, especialmente, a la Alcaldesa de Melide, Dª María Socorro Cea Vázquez, quien desde el primer momento se interesó por nuestro proyecto y consiguió que finalmente nuestro libro fuese publicado.

Ayer, presentamos el acto y nuestro libro en el programa “Hoy por hoy” de la Cadena Ser, intentando dar aún más difusión a nuestro proyecto Grundtvig “Sin Barreras” y al libro “A Santiago desde mi Celda”. Nuestro agradecimiento, también, a Juan Carlos, presentador del programa, que siempre nos apoya en cada una de nuestras iniciativas en Monterroso.

Next Friday, March 4th , at 12:30 pm. we will officially present our book "To Santiago from my cell, " based on writings collecting the experiences of our students when they walked the “Camino” , Saint Jacques Way, in Galicia.
The event will be in the Provincial of Lugo, and various national, regional and local authorities will assist to the presentation. Two inmates who realized the experience will assist to the act. The book has been published by the “Mancomunidade de Concellos del Camino de Santiago en Galicia” and we thank especially to the Mayor of Melide, Ms. Maria Socorro Cea Vazquez, who was interested in our project from the beginning and got our book finally published.

Yesterday, we introduced the act and our book in the radio program "Hoy por hoy" (Cadena Ser) trying to give more publicity to our Grundtvig project "Without Barriers " and to the book "To Santiago from my cell. " Thanks to Juan Carlos, presenter of the program, because he always supported our initiatives in Monterroso.
5 comentarios:
Congratulations :)) Great patience from the start to the end by teaching every step. My first experience about projects. Thank you Pedro for everything.And now the book :)) I hope to visit you one day again by again a perfect project like "WITHOUT BARRIERS".
Thank you Ayse.
I am sure that we will do a project together again :)
This is sooooo great, Pedro!!! I just LOVE IT - like I love all of you :-)
Please send me the book - I'll pay any price for it :-D Hopefully we can work together one day in the future, until then I just have to do what my new boss says; to work with her in her project coming up soon.
Ayse; I hope your new project is going fine too, and thank's to Pedro and his "gang" I think we have learned allot about the work and got some good ideas.
Kisses to you all!
Dear Bente
Thank you very much.
I sent a mail to you in order to get your adress. Please, send to me your adress and we will send to you your book :)
Enhorabuena por el libro y por el proyecto.
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