Sin barreras está llegando a su fin. No llores, Ayse, que seguro algún otro proyecto volverá a reunirnos…
Dear Partners
Han sido 2 maravillosos años compartiendo tantas y tantas experiencias con un grupo excepcional de personas.
Mis sentimientos, al final de este proyecto, son de un trabajo bien hecho y de haber logrado un grupo al que me he sentido orgulloso de pertenecer.
There have been two wonderful years sharing so many experiences with an exceptional group of people. My feelings at the end of this project are from a job well done and have been a group which I was proud to belong.

Agradecer a los socios noruegos, como así reiterar el agradecimiento a todas las instituciones, por la excepcional reunión organizada en Noruega y de la que siempre guardaremos emotivos recuerdos.
Thank you very much to the Norwegian partners, as well to reiterate the gratitude to all institutions, for the exceptional meeting held in Norway and the emotional memories that will keep forever.

Estamos pendientes de la publicación de nuestro libro sobre el Camino de Santiago , lo que informaremos en el Blog cuando tengamos el libro en nuestras manos.
Sólo me queda recordar que, Sin Barreras, debe ser no sólo un proyecto, sino una actitud a continuar en todos y cada uno de nosotros. Ahora hemos comprendido un poco más la problemática de la población inmigrante; no lo olvidemos y sigamos, en nuestro día a día, intentando que aquellas barreras que, como diría Cherif, se han roto, no se vuelvan a levantar.
Y recordad que os estaré vigilando…
I can only remember that, Without Barriers, must be not only a project, but an attitude to continue in each and every one of us. Now we understand a little more the problem of the immigrant population We must not forget it in our day to day, trying to make that those barriers, as Cherif said “breaking”, do not raise again.
And remember that I will be watching ...

Pedro the First, King of Without Barriers and another unexplored lands...
3 comentarios:
Hello to all of you!
I have some pictures from our day out by the waterfall, the day before the "real" project started, where you Spanish people did not come. I wanted to show you the pictures, but I am not able to logg on! Is the blog "closed?"
If so, I want to thank you all for the two times I spent with you.
Perhaps we will meet again?
Hugs from Grete in Norway
No, the blog is not closed. I dont know which is the problem but you should can put it.
Try it again. I had some problems one day and the next day I could do it.
Dear all!
Pedro has commented directly to me on a mail that he wondered why I hadn't made any comments on this one... Simply because I think it's sooooo sad to do it - the last words, sort of.
I really, really miss you all. It has been a wonderful experience to know so many fine and splendid people. I chose to look upon you all as my friends - and friends never say goodbye, right?
All our meetings have been very exciting for me, and really learned me much about how you work and think. Most useful I believe is the network we have created; and this network we should use also in the future!
A special thanks to Pedro who "found me" and took good care of me (read; us) in the whole project. It is maybe not the blog, but the process behind the blog, the mails and the meetings that have given me such a great new view on what I do everyday at work - supporting people from different nations on their way to a better life in Norway.
Pedro; do not forget to send me an example of the book, please...
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