Durante el desarrollo de la charla, Óscar expuso el proyecto de la Fundación Azkar centrándose en los valores que se buscan en su Fundación a través del deporte y la integración social. Su intervención suscitó un gran interés en los miembros del Grupo, lo que dio lugar a un intercambio de opiniones e ideas que el propio Gerente calificó de tremendamente instructivo para el Grupo y para él mismo.

No es la primera vez que el Azkar Lugo colabora con el Centro de Monterroso y tenemos que agradecer este nuevo esfuerzo. Además, a raíz de la conferencia, se establecieron las bases para futuras actuaciones, planteándose la posibilidad de asistir a algún partido de su primer equipo de fútbol sala y un posible partido entre el Azkar y los miembros de nuestro grupo, partido que aunque damos por perdido de antemano, será muy positivo como actividad del proyecto.

La Web del club recoge un resumen del acto que podéis consultar en la dirección:
On Wednesday, February 11th, a new lecture was held with the working group of the Grundtvig project "Without Barriers". The topic of this lecture was: "Sport as a means of social integration”. Oscar Hermida, the Manager of Azkar Lugo, an indoor football team of the national category visited our centre in order to attend the act.

During the talk, Oscar explained the Azkar Foundation Project, focusing on the values which are sought by this Foundation through sport and social integration. His speech aroused great interest among the members of the group, which led to an exchange of views and ideas that the manager described as tremendously instructive for the Group and for him.

It is not the first time that Azkar Lugo collaborates with the Centre of Monterroso and we are thankful for this effort again. Furthermore, after the lecture, the groundwork for future action was laid, raising the possibility of attending a game of their first football team. In addition to this we were talking about the possibility of organising a match between Azkar and the members of our project, a match that, although we take for lost in advance, will be very positive as a project activity.
A summary of this event is provided in the web of the club, which you can see at:
2 comentarios:
I'm sure you will have fun during the match - I wish you luck; Team Grundtvig!!!
Sports work as a means of integration. Henri and I know this from Henri's Taekwondo-club. The club consists of participants with origin from different parts of the world, and we all feel unified in the sport itself. Since Taekwondo is a Korean sport, I too have to adapt to a totally different language while exercising, and it's great!
Cherif and his stab focus on activities of all sorts, from sports to collecting stamps etc. Hobbies/sports are important sparetime activities, and since we normally work 8 hours day, sleep 8 hours, we still have left 8 hours to do activities. No doubt it's important!
Thank you for your support. We will inform if finally the activity is realized.
Henri and Cherif: Share those activities with us in the Blog :)
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