La etapa comenzó con la recepción ofrecida por el alcalde de la localidad de Sarria, D. Claudio Garrido, quien nos mostró su apoyo a la iniciativa del proyecto Grundtvig. En el acto, el cronista de Sarria Xaime López Arias, experto en la ruta Jacobea, realizó una exposición sobre la historia del Camino y, concretamente, de la ruta que íbamos a recorrer. Tenemos que agradecer la prediposición de la alcaldía, por su cortesía recibiéndonos y, además, entregándonos unos regalos conmemorativos del acto.

A la recepción asistió el periodista de la Voz de Galicia destinado en la comarca, Penoucos, quien publicaría un artículo en el diario del día siguiente.

La etapa era realmente dura desde el comienzo, a lo que hubo que añadir un tiempo poco agradable. Pero, nuevamente, la experiencia resultó gratificante para todos, por los buenos momentos que compartimos durante las horas que caminamos juntos.

Durante la etapa, conectó en directo con nosotros el programa de radio “hoy por hoy” de la Cadena Ser, quien nos entrevistó y así pudimos exponer las actividades que estamos realizando para nuestro proyecto “sin barreras” y dar una mayor difusión de los proyectos europeos Grundtvig.

En esta etapa, compartimos el camino con 4 internos, cuyas nacionalidades son Francesa, Franco-argelina, china e irlandesa, quienes esperamos que hayan recogido los momentos más emotivos de la experiencia y los plasmen, posteriormente, en los relatos que trataremos de recoger en el diario del Camino.

On Thursday, February 4th, our group of the Grundtvig project "Without Barriers" made the 3rd stage of the road to Santiago, between the towns of Sarria and Portomarín.

The stage began with a reception by the mayor of the town of Sarria, Mr. Claudio Garrido, who gave us his support to the initiative of the Grundtvig project. During the ceremony, the reporter from Sarria, Xaime López Arias,an expert on the pilgrimage way to Santiago, made a presentation on the history of the Way and, specifically, on the route we were going to set off. We have to acknowledge the courtesy of the mayor for welcoming us and for giving us some gifts commemorating the event.

This reception was also attended by the journalist of the daily “La Voz de Galicia”, Penoucos, who published an article in the newspaper the next day.

The stage was really hard from the beginning, and the weather was quite unpleasant. But again, the experience was rewarding for everybody since we could share good moments during the hours we walked together.

During the stage, the radio programme by Cadena Ser, “Hoy por hoy,” connected live with us. We were interviewed, so we were able to outline the activities we are doing for our project "Without Barriers" and to provide a greater dissemination of the European Grundtvig projects.

We share this stage of the Way with four inmates, whose nationalities are French, French-Algerian, Chinese and Irish. We hope that they have captured the most emotional moments of this experience to write about them later, in the stories we are trying to collect in our Way’s Diary.

2 comentarios:
I envy you! It must be fantastic to see these beautiful surroundings on foot, and especially share these moments with the inmates of the project as well as the members of the project. Please inform me about tne next stages you are planning - maybe I'd be able to join you...
One more thing: It's good to see that the Spanish members are in such a good shape - you may need it when you come to Norway :-D
Really many of them are in a good shape. Not myself, but at least I got finished every stage, even with my tongue outside of my mouth.
About the next stages, we are thinking to do the next one in the first week of march. But I think you should wait to the stages on april or may to can enjoy the Camino without rain, cold, winter... Even for Norwegianç people, it could be a better choice.
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