Last Friday, October 9th, a meeting with the working group was held in Monterroso where the lawyer and jurist Mr. Carlos Villar, a member of the NGO “South Echoes”, analyzed the problem of the immigration law and its impact on the immigrant population in general, and particularly adapted to the situation of inmates in prisons.

El ponente trató de simplificar la temática de la situación jurídica de los extranjeros en España, desde su entrada en territorio nacional hasta su legalización o expulsión, aportando ejemplos concretos y explicando de un modo pedagógico y práctico la terminología referente al status jurídico de un inmigrante (visado de entrada, tipos de visados, permiso de residencia, requisitos para la misma, entre otros muchos asuntos).
The speaker at the lecture tried to simplify the issue of the legal status of foreigners in Spain, from their entry into national territory until their legalization or removal, providing concrete examples and explaining in a pedagogical and practical way the terminology related to the legal status of an immigrant (entry visa, types of visas, residence permits, requirements to get them, among others).

A continuación, y por el interés que consiguió crear el ponente en el grupo, se creó un debate en el que los participantes tuvieron la oportunidad de aclarar las diferentes dudas sobre la situación jurídica de un inmigrante, en general, y de la suya en particular, respecto a la legislación y la actuación de diferentes instituciones administrativas o judiciales.
Next, and due to the interest aroused by the speaker among the listeners, a debate was held, in which the participants had the opportunity to clarify the various doubts about the legal status of an immigrant, in general, and also personally, with respect to the legislation and performance of various administrative or judicial institutions.

Queremos agradecer de un modo sincero a nuestro amigo Carlos, ya que supo crear un clima durante la conferencia, de afecto y, a la vez, de profesionalidad, con lo que nuestro grupo pudo conocer numerosos aspectos que realmente les han de servir para solventar sus diferentes situaciones como inmigrantes en nuestro país. Sirva de testimonio de ello el enorme agradecimiento que manifestó nuestro grupo por la actividad realizada.
We want to sincerely thank our friend Carlos for being here, since he was able to create an atmosphere of affection and professionalism during the lecture. Thanks to him, our group was able to learn many aspects about this topic; information which will really serve them to meet the different situations they will have to face with in our country as immigrants. The enormous gratitude that our group expressed by the lecture bears testimony of this.

3 comentarios:
You have talked about many problems immigrants face coming to another country. I believe that we - that is the citizens of a country - need more information about an immigrants problems in general. They have fled their contry for a reason, and every one of them might have different reasons for leaving. In the new country they meet allot of problems, and maybe these burocratic barriers you have discussed are looked upon as the least important.
Did you write down any of the statements from your workgroup? That would be an interesting angle too, and easy for me to compare with my participants here in Norway.
See you soon, Pedro - and we could talk more into details, perhaps?
Dear Bente
We are trying to work with the problem of inmigrants, from diferents points of view. As you can imagine, our students has a main problem: to get the documents in order they can be citizens of our country. Its his first interest. Its because we are beginning our meetings with these matters.
Our intention is to introduce different questions in the meetings, to get diferent points of view: social, politic, sport, etc.
But your proposal, for us, is really interesting. We will prepare a meeting where we will try to get all the informationa about the diferent problems, in order to can share it with you.
We will speak in Germany.
See you soon
As I commented in another blog, I have had an interview with Cherif where we talked about many of your questions mentioned here. Hopefully I'll be able to find the time and inspiration to share it with you. This is a more in depth interview, where I try to understand an immigrant's overall problems.
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