In France, the National Education allows the persons having exercised a job during more than three years to validate a certificate corresponding to this experience. It’s call VAE (Validation of experience qualifications). A person who wants to have her experience recognized can write a professional project composed of forty pages at least. It is a difficult work especially to someone having a low level in French and especially in a penitentiary center because prisoner who wants to realize a VAE have to do a mental effort to remember his past. Most of the time it’s a painful experiment.
To help them in this initiative, GRETA set up sessions of evaluation of the professional acquired. They can describe their training and explain their professional background. This first stage allows the candidate to improve his French, to enrich his vocabulary and to find self-confidence.

We set up this plan with the training team of the penitentiary center. It allowed to validate five certificates. Today, four persons are writing their project .
In April, the chief education officer came to the prison to meet the candidates and to congratulate them. Following this event, several articles were published in a news paper and in the web site : Dijonscope, and a reporting was realized for the local TV.
1 comentario:
It is an excellent experience and a very good job for them. Thank you for sharing with us.
Remember to include all the publishing in the final reports and, please, send us a copy of them (we can not open the links)
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