After my participation to the second meeting in the project, here is a summary of what it is about (according to my understanding).
Our project, Without Barriers (WB), deals with integration of minorities or persons in marginal situation in the European society. Who are those persons?
They are a minority of citizens and residents of the respective countries who have limited chances or possibilities for access to the job market, understanding of the way the society functions, participation in the creation of values...
Examples: adult people with little or no school background, immigrants (refugees, asylum seekers), prisoners etc.
What is integration about?
According to my understanding, integration must be defined in relation with a mother society which functions on more or less well defined codes and frames that are understood, respected and accepted by a large majority of the members of that society. A well integrated person participates (and contributes) in an optimal way to the normal and harmonious functioning of the society
That means that the person:
• speaks the language in order to communicate and follow the daily and long term evolution of his environment
• Follows rules and laws of the society
• Works to generate needed resources for his personal and the society’s needs and wealth
• Participates in activities that bring personal and collective pleasure and happiness. That contributes to the harmony of the community. Examples: sports, free time and cultural activities
Integration is a relative issue, not constant. It might be wrong to say that one person is integrated and another is not. But it's more logical to say that a person is more integrated than another so long that person contributes better to the harmonious functioning of the society trough his individual actions .
Integration is a matter of possibilities and improvement of a potential. It's not a matter of failure. Working for a better integration is about exploiting individual recourses in order to build a better society. Everybody possesses a potential that is to be exploited.
In every European country, various politics and actions have been undertaken to ease and improve integration of minorities. Without Barriers’ aim (according to my understanding) is to put into system the work of some institutions representing the 5 country-members of the project. Then some experiences will be exchanged through articles, Q and A and meetings. At the end, the participants can isolate one or to themes on which they wish to focus deeper about, and come with conclusions and recommendations.
Each country is working with a different group:
• Norway works with immigrants
• Spain works with inmates
• France generally works with education and training for youth, inmates and people who for some reason is unemployed
• Turkey works with illiteracy and immigrants
• Germany works with younger people from various origin
Although every country works with different groups and use a variety of methods, in common we focus on integration in our respective societies. The work is about giving persons at risk more possibilities so that they can function better and live in harmony in their society. That is my understanding of what the project is about
Every comment, remark, critic to this reflection is more than welcome, it is needed. I hope every country will react to my article, otherwise, its worth nothing
Best regards,
Cherif Ousman
(ex-immigrant of Norway)
Le projet "without barrieres" selon moi
Apres ma participation a la deuxieme reunion du projet, voici ce en quoi il se resume d'apres ma comprehention personnelle.
Without barriers traite de l'integration des minorites ou des personnes en situation marginale dans la societe europeenne.
Qui sont ces personnes? Ce sont des citoyens ou residents dans les pays respectifs ayant des chances ou des possiblilites reduites vis a vis de l'acces au marche de l'emploi, de la comprehension du mode de fonctionnement de la societe...
Exemples: les adultes analphabetes, certaines personnes issues de l'imigration (refugies, demandeur d'asile...), la population carcerale.
L'integration, c'est quoi?
Selon moi, l'integration se definit par rapport a une socite mere qui fonctionne selon des codes, des cadres et des principes plus ou moins definis, compris et appliques par la grande majorite. Autrement dit, une personne bien integree dans une societe y paricipe de facon optimale et contribue ainsi au fonctionnement normal et harmoieux de ladite societe.
Pour etre plus concret, etre bien integree dans sa societe implique que l'on:
- Comprend bien la langue afin de communiquer avec les autres et de suivre l'evolution quotidien et a long terme de son environnement
- Respecte les lois et regles normes.
- Travaille pour generer les ressources necessaires pour son bien etre personnel et celui de la societe
- Paricipe activement aux activites generatrices de plaisir et de bonheur propre et collectif, ce qui contribue a l'harmonie de la communaute. Exemple: activites recreatives, loisir, sportives de societe....
L'integration est un terme relatif, pas absolu. C'est plus difficile de dire qu'un individu est integree et que l'autre ne l'est pas. Par contre c'est logique de dire que l'un est mieux integre par rapport a l'autre du moment ou le premier contribue mieux au fonctionnement harmonieux de sa socite a travers ses actions indivuduelles. Il est donc question des possibilites d'amelioration et non des constats d'echec.
Travailler pou une meilleure integation conciste donc a exploiter les ressources individuelles etant donne que chaqu'un dispose d'un potenciel qui ne demande qu'a etre exploite.
Dans tous les pays d'Europe, des politiques et des actions aussi diverses que variees ont ete entreprises pour faciliter et ameliorer l'integration des minorites. Le projet "without barriers" a (d'apres moi) pour objectif de rececenser le travail fait par certaines institutions dans les 5 pays membres du projet. Ensuite il sera question d'exenges d'experiences. Enfin les participants au projet peuvent isoler un ou plusieurs themes sur lesquelles il souhaitent reflechir et tirer des conclusions et donner des recomendations.
Les differentes delegations travaillent avec des groupes differents:
La Norvege avec l'encadrement des refugies, demandeurs d'asile et etrangers en general
L'Espagne avec la formation et le suivi de la population carcerale
La France avec la formation professionnelle des jeunes des quartier, la population carcerale, les chaumeurs...
La Turquie avec l'analphabetisation des personnes adultes
L'Allemagne avec les jeunes d'origines ethniques variees
Quand bien meme les groupes et les methodes different, le denominateur commun est l'integration dans les societes respectives
Cherif Ousman
4 comentarios:
Dear Cherif
From Spain, we think that your article is really good. We are accord with you in your comments and in your point of view about our project "without barriers".
Only I would do one comment: as you said, "The work is about giving persons at risk more possibilities so that they can function better and live in harmony in their society". But its necessary to export our work to the society. If we only work in our centres, the final result will be only in our centres; and its not the main objective of the european projects. We must share our experiences with the society, and we must use the media for it.
I hope that in the next meeting in Germany we will get a common way of work in our project.
Finally, sincerely thanks for your efforts from Norway with our project.
Merci pour cet article sur l'intègration dont je partage les idées . Il précise également les actions de chacun ce qui permet de mieux appréhender l'ensemble.
Hi to you all! I would like to link a comment to Pedro about "spreading the word".
In Norway we have a number of foras where we can get together and discuss our work in the local societies with others working in different parts of the country. Our local newspaper is very local, it will probably not reach anyone but us. But workshops arranged on a national basis is for us a much more powerful channel.
To use the media is only one way to spread our work. Im sure that from Norway you will choose the best option.
However, even when your local newspaper can be small, Im sure that it will be interested in your work, and you will can share your experiences in your city. And I think its important too.
National agencies like the publishing in newspapers, radios, etc, even when they can be small ;)
But the really important its that we can do a good work together, and im sure we will do great
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