lunes, 22 de junio de 2009

Reunión con el grupo de trabajo - Meeting with the work group of Monterroso

El pasado jueves 18 de junio, se organizó una sesión más con el grupo de trabajo de Monterroso del proyecto Grundtvig "Sin barreras".
Quisimos dedicar esta reunión a los juegos de las diferentes culturas.
Para introducir la reunión, comenzamos con una exhibición de juegos de naipes realizada por "Chus", funcionario de nuestro Centro y colaborador del proyecto, quien sorprendió a todos los asistentes con sus sorprendentes y ágiles manos en los juegos de la baraja francesa.

A partir de ahí, los miembros del grupo comentaron algunos de los juegos típicos de sus países, e incluso los escenificaron, como se puede ver en la foto adjunta con el "juego del toro" de China.

Como siempre en nuestras actividades, se realizó un debate sobre la importancia de los juegos en las culturas de los diferentes países.

On Thursday June 18, we had a meeting with the work group of the Grundtvig project of Monterroso "Without barriers".
We wanted to dedicate this meeting to the games of the different cultures.
To begin the meeting, we started with an exhibition of card's games realized by "Chus," an official of our Centre and collaborator of our project, who surprised everybody with his amazing and agile hands in the games of french cards.

From there, the members of the group commented about some of the typical games from their countries, and even tried some of them, as you can see in the photo of the "game of the bull" in China.

As always in our activities, we had a discussion about the importance of the games in the cultures of the different countries.

viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

How we work with the project in Norway

The Norwegian projects theme:

Refugees process towards selfdependency from the day they arrive in Norway. A collaboration between different departements/ services in Kongsberg

The projects goal:

as we see it according to our target group

  1. To strengthen our methods, routines and collaboration in guiding refugees into the labour market and integration in general.

  2. To find new inspiration and ways of working from learning from the experienses of our friends in France, Germany, Spain and Turkey.

  3. To learn from the refugees thrue their thoughts and experienses concerning the issues

  4. To share some of our successful ways of working.

The projects participants:

Bente Grosvold, Knut Aarvig, Henri F Komegne, Cherif Ousman, Ingrid K Berge, asylum- seekers and refugees in the introductory- program.

The projects struckture:

  1. A refugee has come to Norway to apply for asylum, He/ she is transfered to a reception centre. Henri Filmand Komegne describes the everyday work in guiding, supporting and filling the refugees days with meaningfull activities while waiting for a response to their application.

  2. The refugee has received a residential- and work permit and is ready to be resettled in a municipality. Ingrid K Berge describes The Introductory Act with its obligations, the target group and how Kongsberg implements the introductory program in collaboration with the other departments involved

  3. The most important key to success in Norway is learning the norwegian language, social codes and the making and living in a municipality. Bente Grosvold and Knut Aarvig describes what services the adult education center offers according to schooling and job- practices.

  4. Nobody lives their lives between office hours. To have a good life, sparetime activities are very important. Cherif Ousman at the cultural deparment describes how they use different activities to smoothen the integration of refugees and other target groups.

  5. Collaboration, a describtion on its form and structure.

We will show our work by publishing articles and stories from our daily activities, written by our project participants, on the blog.

Time- aspect:

Shortly after the 2 year periode, the group will publish a sum up describing our experiences and results and wishes for further work

martes, 16 de junio de 2009

St.Petri Kinder- und Jugendhilfe and Stiftung Alten Eichen both base on a long tradition in the field of children and young adult welfare in Bremen. They provide various offers and services in their parts of the city as well as allover Bremen. Please visit the following websites for more information about history and fields of work: and
In the following, three projects will be introduced. Those are to be found in the fields of a) „Learning“ and b) “Integration“.

1. Kompetenzagentur („Competence Agency“= CA) Bremen Ost "PickUp"

The CA exists since December 2006. It runs within a restricted time frame – in a second granted period until 31 August 2009. 45% of the financing is based on ESF-funds. Co-financing derives from funds for youth welfare, our own resources from our youth facilities as well as from employment promotion funds. "PickUp" employs a social worker and a teacher with each 40 hours/week, an administrative employee with 20 hours/week, as well as the head of the project with 5 hours/week.

Aims and Schwerpunkte
CA focuses with an individual approach on exceptionally disadvantaged young people and young adults at the threshold of their life. One of the main points is the work with young migrant people. What is special with “Pick Up“ is the “low-level-access“, which helps to get into contact with those young people who seek to develop new outlooks on life after having finished compulsory schooling.

The concept is based on 3 pillars:

  • on the “locating/visiting approach“ (aufsuchende Arbeit); contacting and relation building in youth facilities und meeting places in the district
  • on the work with and within schools, especially in final grades of lower secondary schools and technical schools
  • as well as on individual support (casemanagement).

"PickUp" aims at an individual integration on the social and professional level, where services in the areas of consulting, support and placement are offered. By using the “locating/visiting approach“, the CA seeks to develop a network combined with a so-called transition management. By being integrated into a network, deficits in supply shall be located and suggestions for their removal being made.

Activities (Umsetzung)
“locating/visiting approach“:
Getting in contact with young people mainly occurred through youth facilities. Colleagues working in those facilities support first contacts by accompanying and leading single people. Through combining work in schools with the “locating/visiting approach“ in the youth facilities, the same young people are reached in both places. This has in fact a double effect in terms of contacting.
Additonally, the two colleagues are to be found in famous places all around the quarter:
in the shopping center, at lakes, in parks, at youth events as well as in educational training centers.
Furthermore, "VAJA e.V." (Streetworkprojekt: „Verein für akzeptierende aufsuchende Jugendarbeit“) supports the project by contacting cliques in the communities of Hemelingen, Neue Vahr and Tenever.
80% of all clients were reached through the “locating/visiting approach“.

Working in schools
Originally, CA-case manager visited those schools the project had cooperation with regularly. They especially contacted final grade students. In the now running period, the main focus of the work in schools has changed. Within the new guidelines of the project initiator, this “preventive“ approach is no longer part of the CA-mission. Instead, the case manager now holds regular information sessions in the final grades to promote the project.

Quite essential when implementing the project in schools, is the support of the school's job-advisors (guidance officers) and social workers. 20% of all clients were contacted in the schools. The CA was – due to it's conception – mainly working with final grades in standard schools (Regelschulen) and technical schools (Berufsfachschulen). In cooperation with the schools it also organised events concerning life orientation and career planning.

Casemanagement (CM) incorporates those young people, whose disadvantages are extraordinary. In cooperation with the participant, an individual support plan is created after the first conversation. This might include elements concerning career planning, life planning or the acquisition of social skills. One example would be someone addicted to drugs who is offered (and keeps) a consulting appointment, while he or she at the same time tries to stabilise his or her life, e.g. by getting a job. To strengthen the client's abilities, a continued company by the CA is necessary concerning possible questions, positive feedback or to avoid a dropout of a measure. This happens also within the scope of an individually planned post-care program. As problems only appear after a certain time, the duration of someone's stay is arranged individually. Still, most of the young people were directly passed on, without being included in CM – also due to the high number of participants. This was successful in most of the cases.
Since 2008, all data of all participants is electronically saved by the CA and is subject to a central monitoring.

"PickUp"-networking is labeled by contacts and cooperation with various partners:
In the context of casemanagement: different social institutions dealing with career planning and debt counseling, also job agencies, drug consulting, schools, social facilities etc. (Agentur für Arbeit, Berufsberatung, BAgIS (ARGE), Schulen, Jugendeinrichtungen, soziale Einrichtungen, z. B. Drogenberatung, Schuldnerberatung, Ausbildungsbetriebe, "Aktiv für Osterholz e. V.", Jobvermittler).
Taking part in committees and working groups: various regional groups such as AG Jugend, AK Tenever, AK Jugend Hemelingen, Stadtteilgruppensitzungen, WiN-Forum Hemelingen, AG Jugendberufshilfe.
Accompanying group of the CA and advisory board: Here, in exchange with the various partners the need as well as the “support gaps“ that appear during the transition from school to profession are to be determined and the work of the CA directed (advisory board). This is accompanied by proxies of the job agency, the board of trade, the minister for work, women, health, youth and social issues, the minister for education and science, minor exchange (regional councils), and advisory boards of the participating quarters, schools, youth facilities, social facilities and members of the regional economy (Verein „Aktiv für Osterholz e. V.“)

2. MEB – Advising migrating adults

Since March 2007, St. Petri and Alten Eichen offer MEB – Migrationserstberatung (first consultation) for new immigrants in East-Bremen, according to the rules of the new immigration law (2005).

Aims, tasks and way of work:
MEB is a basic element of the national “concept of integration“ of the German government. It's aim is to support new immigrants and their families in the processes of integrating themselves into society – based on their individual and cultural identity.
The main focus of the consultation lies in the placement of German language courses, as learning German is a basic element for integration, as well concerning the social as the working aspect. To guarantee a successful completion, the participants are constantly accompanied socially and led into further measures.

The person accompanying the participant also works actively in the communal networks and he or she also initiates new networks in the district to create a better supply of the families.
She is one of the main reasons for the fact, that social facilities open themselves for the need of migrants. She supports an intercultural opening of all facilities towards the need of migrants and promotes mutual acceptance and tolerance.
MEB accompanies immigrants using the case-management method. This means the development of an individual „plan of integration“, which fixes certain aims within a certain time period, such as participating in a German language class, organisation of children's care or health care. MEB also supports the implementation of the agreed targets.

Target group: Adults with migration background older than 27, who have a temporary residence, are within the target group of MEB. Those are e.g.: (so-called) resettlers (Spätaussiedlerinnen und Spätaussiedler) and their family members, currently immigrated people, as well as those migrants who although they have already been living in Bremen for a while, still need support. MEB also accompanies refugees, who have been granted a current status (”Bleiberecht”).

This is meant to be a first information about our cooperation within the project "without barriers". Soon, we will be reporting about newly gained experiences and knowledge.

3. The youth centre (or youth club) is located in a predominantly well off district called Horn-Lehe in Bremen, Germany. However there’s a part of Horn-Lehe which can be considered a social hot spot. The youth centre resides in the centre of this rather deprived area, where a lot of single parents, unemployed people and people with migration background live.

The youth centre Horn-Lehe is a preventive, low threshold service for children and young adults between 8 and 22 years. It is the only leisure time facility of its kind in the whole district. The centre opens five days a week (Mon – Fri) from four to eight o’clock in the evening. Three part-time social worker are running the centre (two female, one man). An average of 30 to 50 young people visits the youth club daily. Many of them have either Polish or Russian migration background. A few of the young people have for example a Persian or Turkish background.

The youth centre is equipped with multiple sports facilities such as a small sports hall, a room for dancing and a small soccer field in front of the house. Tabletop football, a pool table as well as video game facilities can also be found in the youth club.
Besides the general leisure time facilities a wide range of courses and workshops, such as hip-hop dancing, airbrush, stilts, circus, animated cartoon and DJ-ing conducted by external professionals, is offered to the youth.

The youth centre Horn-Lehe is not only a place where young people can meet, chat and have fun, but also a place where they can experience themselves, learn from and with each other and get in touch with professionals who are open to listen to them and offer them low threshold counselling. Especially drug and alcohol abuse, violence and school drop outs are common problems among the youth centre’s visitors. The young people are assisted with school work and writing applications. Furthermore they find support with future planning and career guidance.

In everyday situations, such as group-work, collective cooking activities and soccer games the young people learn under professional guidance how to interact with people of different age, background and nationality. In excursions and cultural projects they are continuously encouraged to engage in cultural expression in various forms. As an example one of the team members produces rap-songs with a couple of youth.

All in all young people are assisted to find there own way, to respect and value themselves as well as others and develop a positive attitude towards life.

3. The youth centre (or youth club)
It is located in a predominantly well off district called Horn-Lehe in Bremen, Germany. However there’s a part of Horn-Lehe which can be considered a social hot spot. The youth centre resides in the centre of this rather deprived area, where a lot of single parents, unemployed people and people with migration background live.

The youth centre Horn-Lehe is a preventive, low threshold service for children and young adults between 8 and 22 years. It is the only leisure time facility of its kind in the whole district. The centre opens five days a week (Mon – Fri) from four to eight o’clock in the evening. Three part-time social worker are running the centre (two female, one man). An average of 30 to 50 young people visits the youth club daily. Many of them have either Polish or Russian migration background. A few of the young people have for example a Persian or Turkish background.

The youth centre is equipped with multiple sports facilities such as a small sports hall, a room for dancing and a small soccer field in front of the house. Tabletop football, a pool table as well as video game facilities can also be found in the youth club.
Besides the general leisure time facilities a wide range of courses and workshops, such as hip-hop dancing, airbrush, stilts, circus, animated cartoon and DJ-ing conducted by external professionals, is offered to the youth.

The youth centre Horn-Lehe is not only a place where young people can meet, chat and have fun, but also a place where they can experience themselves, learn from and with each other and get in touch with professionals who are open to listen to them and offer them low threshold counselling. Especially drug and alcohol abuse, violence and school drop outs are common problems among the youth centre’s visitors. The young people are assisted with school work and writing applications. Furthermore they find support with future planning and career guidance.

In everyday situations, such as group-work, collective cooking activities and soccer games the young people learn under professional guidance how to interact with people of different age, background and nationality. In excursions and cultural projects they are continuously encouraged to engage in cultural expression in various forms. As an example one of the team members produces rap-songs with a couple of youth.

All in all young people are assisted to find there own way, to respect and value themselves as well as others and develop a positive attitude towards life.

domingo, 14 de junio de 2009

Review of two days of meeting in Chalon sur Saône

Rétrospective des deux journées de séminaire à Chalon sur Saône

L'accueil des différents partenaires européens participant au Projet Grundtvig "Without Barriers " s'est déroulé dans le cadre du lycée Niepce situé à Chalon sur Saône. Etablissement spécialisé dans des formations professionnelles des secteurs industriels et chimiques. Cette cité scolaire d'environ 1300 élèves répartis dans des classes CAP, BEP, BAC et BTS, doit son nom à l'inventeur de la photographie: Nicéphore Niepce.

The reception of the various European partners participating in the Project Grundtvig " Without Barriers " took place within the framework of the secondary school Niepce located in Chalon sur Saône. Establishment specialized in vocational trainings in industrial and chemical branches. This school city of around 1300 pupils distributed in classes CAP, BEP, BAC and BTS, owes its name to photography's inventor : Nicéphore Niepce.

Les participants au séminaire furent accueillis autour d'un petit déjeuner par Monsieur Pierre, proviseur du lycée et responsable financier du GRETA .

The participants in the meeting were welcomed around a breakfast by Mister Pierre, head master of the secondary school and GRETA financial manager.

Après ce moment convivial, Monsieur Pierre présenta l'établissement et donna la parole à Monsieur Guillarme qui précisa le déroulé de ces deux journées. Monsieur Perraud, président du GRETA, informa l'assemblée sur le fonctionnement ainsi que les missions du GRETA (service public de formation continue du ministère de l'éducation nationale).

After this friendly moment, Mister Pierre introduced the establishment and gave the floor to Mister Guillarme who clarified the schedule of these two days. Mister Perraud, president of the GRETA, informed the assembly about the functioning as well as the missions of GRETA (public utility of in-service training of Education Ministry ).

Dans le cadre de l’insertion, le GRETA travaille en étroite collaboration avec la Régie des Quartiers des Près Saint-Jean. Monsieur Collin , directeur ,et Madame Richaud , accompagnatrice sociale et professionnelle, ont expliqué ce qu'est la Régie puis ont décrit les actions menées par l'association.

Included in insertion framework, GRETA works closed to the “ Régie des Quartiers des Près Saint Jean”. Mister Collin, director, and Madam Richaud, social and professional companion, explained that is the “Régie” then described the actions led by the association.

Cette première matinée de travail s'est achevée par un exposé , illustré d'un diaporama, de Monsieur Fraga , directeur du centre pénitentiaire de Monterosso en Espagne. Celui-ci a présenté les objectifs du centre concernant l'insertion des "internes" étrangers ainsi que les moyens mis en place afin de les atteindre .

This first working morning ended with a statement, illustrated with a slide show, with Mister Fraga, director of the penitentiary center of Monterosso in Spain. He described the objectives of the center regarding to insertion of "internal" foreign as well as the structure set up to reach them.

Après avoir partagé un succulent et copieux repas préparé par le chef du restaurant scolaire du lycée et son équipe, nous avons pu visiter les ateliers de l'établissement sous la conduite de Monsieur Lavigne, directeur technique .

After sharing a delicious and substantial meal prepared by the "chef" of the school restaurant and his team, we were able to visit the workshops of the establishment under the direction of Mister Lavigne, technical director.

La visite se termina par le "pôle chimie", équipement technique unique en Bourgogne.

The visit ended by the "pole chemistry ", the only one technical equipment in Burgundy.

En fin d'après-midi, les plus courageux ont pu découvrir les charmes de Chalon sur Saône.

Late in the afternoon, the bravest were able to discover the charms of Chalon sur Saône.

L'ensemble du groupe se reforma pour déguster l'une des spécialités bourguignonnes: le vin de Givry.

The whole group re-formed to taste one of the Burgundian specialities: the wine of Givry.

Monsieur Chofflet- Valdenaire , viticulteur à Russilly, fit partager son amour du métier.

Mister Chofflet-Valdenaire, wine grower to Russilly, shared his love of the profession.

Après une petite escapade dans les rues de Russilly...

After a small escapade in the streets of Russilly...

… Nous nous retrouvâmes au restaurant " La Billebaude" où les talents du cuisinier nous firent découvrir certaines spécialités de notre région (pâté de foie, bœuf bourguignon, …)

… We met ourselves to restaurant " La Billebaude " where the talents of the cooker made us discover some specialities of our region (pâté of liver, Burgundian beef...)

Et en fin de soirée, nos amis norvégiens nous ont fait la surprise de nous offrir la boisson du Viking.

And at the end of evening, our Norwegian friends surprised us by offering the typical drink of Viking.

Le vendredi matin, les partenaires européens du projet Grundtvig se retrouvèrent au centre pénitentiaire de Varennes Le Grand, où ils furent accueillis par Monsieur Pompigne, directeur. Pour l'occasion, Monsieur Genin, délégué académique à la formation professionnelle initiale et continue, ainsi que Madame Garreau en charge de l'international au rectorat de Dijon, s'étaient joints au groupe.

Friday morning, European partners of the project Grundtvig met in the Varennes Le Grand's penintentiary center, where they were welcomed by Mister Pompigne, director. For the occasion, Mister Genin, academic delegate in the initial and continuous vocational training, as well as Madam Garreau in charge of the international in the vice-chancellorship of Dijon, joined to the group.

Monsieur Pompigne présenta l'établissement, puis il nous fit visiter l'ensemble des installations du centre . Ce moment fut très riche au niveau des échanges et permis des confrontations d'expériences entre la situation du centre pénitentiaire de Varennes Le Grand et celui de Monterroso.

Mister Pompigne introduced the establishment, then he made us visit all the installations of the center. This moment was full of exchanges and let compare experiences between Varennes Le Grand's penitentiary center and the one in Monterroso.

La matinée s'acheva au bord du lac de Laives par un savoureux déjeuner où l'ensemble des partenaires ont pu goûter de nouveau aux spécialités bourguignonnes (fritures, grenouilles … et vins !)

The morning ended at the edge of the lake of Laives with a substantial lunch where all partners tasted again the Burgundian specialities (fryings, frogs and wines!)

Le repas fut convivial et animé.

The meal was friendly and animated.

La faune du lac de Laives s'enrichit de trois beaux flamands roses.

The fauna of the lake of Laives got three more beautiful pink floyds.

Le séminaire prit fin à l'ombre des arbres. Pedro prit la parole et nous fixa, après concertation, les objectifs de travail pour les semaines à venir.

The meeting ended in the shade of trees. Pedro spoke and fixed , after dialogue, the working targets for comings weeks.